3 Methods for Increasing Your Speed Skipping Scores - Elite Jumps
Here are the three primary techniques I preach when people ask me how to increase their skipping speed.
Jun 01, 2022Jordan Lindstrom
3 Drills to Improve Your Jump Rope Skill - Elite Jumps
Everyone knows jumping rope takes endurance, coordination and skill. Because it is so physically demanding, jumping rope can help develop quickness, agility and overall athleticism. But in...
May 20, 2022Jordan Lindstrom
10 Common Double Under Mistakes and How to Fix Them - Elite Jumps
Mistake #1 - Not mastering singles first How are you ever going to get to 100 doubles in a row if you can’t do 100 singles?...
May 20, 2022Jordan Lindstrom
How to Use Jump Rope in Your Next Workout - Elite Jumps
If you're stuck in a rut with your workout program or don't like running as a cardio option, you should consider picking up a jump rope....
Mar 05, 2022Erisson Lima
Benefits of Jump Rope for Swimmers - Elite Jumps
Athletes often need additional exercises to supplement their regular workout routine. Ideally, it should be something that focuses on the same muscle groups or types of...
Feb 01, 2022Jordan Lindstrom
7 Jump Rope Resolutions for 2022 - Elite Jumps
Who doesn’t love a good New Year’s Resolution!? As we approach the end of the year, we often find ourselves thinking about all the things we...
Jan 10, 2022Jordan Lindstrom

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